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Check the status of all arriving and departing flights.

If you are concerned about the delay or cancellation of your flight, locating your luggage or check-in, or any other queries for Air New Zealand, Sunair or Island Air, please contact your airline direct.

For airport services such as parking, terminal facilities, security or maintenance please use the contact options below.

Our opening hours

The terminal building is open between 5am and 9.30pm, 7 days a week.

Travellers are not able to stay overnight in the terminal. A range of accommodation is located near the airport, a 5-minute drive from the airport.

View accommodation options

Contact form

Please submit your query below.

Contact us

Tauranga City Airport
73 Jean Batten Drive, Mount Maunganui
Tauranga 3116

 +64 7 575 2456


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